At the age of 14, Chris Litz started on his musical journey. Within a few years, he was playing the local music scene in Austin, TX. By 19 he was involved in three different short-lived projects. He felt that something was missing from the music. After two more dead-end projects, it was time for a change. This was a chance to focus on learning, writing, and developing an identity as a guitarist. After a short break, a new heavy dual guitar riffing machine formed. Chris pushed for the music to progressively become heavier, but the band split up after several years due to typical musical indifferences. Next, it was time to experiment with the industrial side of metal which lasted for a year or so. And the familiar feeling of something missing crept in. He then began writing in unexplored territory that would now be classified as new age music. This is where he learned to let go of writing constraints to standard song structure. After several years metal was pouring out into his writing again. And from lessons learned in past projects, this time it would be all about writing without boundaries. In late 2016 Chris had an epiphany to combine his brand of new age music with his passion for metal into a unique blend. Soon afterward Seventh Legend was born.

Jeremy Bornstein started playing bass at age 14. At first, he was heavily inspired and influenced by Rush and other classic rock bands. Then he started getting into old-school metal and modern metal. Jeremy has been in multiple bands in different states: New Jersey, Nevada, Florida, and Texas. Most bands at this point were partial cover bands and where he was involved in collaborative songwriting. This lead to his independent songwriting in 2016. He also began playing guitar at this time to help develop his writing skills. With playing 5 and 6 string basses, his songwriting started to take a different shape. And this opened a new doorway to becoming more of a progressive player. Six-string basses are now exclusively used due to how easily it lends itself to play melodies and chords. Jeremy's style helped add a new dimension to Seventh Legend's music and can easily be heard throughout the songs.